
Welcome !  I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Travel Photography

Travel Photography

These days my camera roll like most peoples is filled with images of food. The pandemic has changed my photography focus to the only fun thing in front of me and in my control - food!

I (like everyone) miss travel and travel photography and look forward to things going back to normal!

While traveling, I highly recommend hiring a travel photographer for a 20 - 30-minute shoot to capture the images of your trip. If you don’t, you will be left with selfies, pictures that you ask a passerby (who has never touched your camera) before to take, or solo images of you or your partner that do not capture the memories of your trip. Do yourself a favour - google photographer in the city you are visiting, look at their aesthetic on Instagram, and book a photoshoot!

And don’t be afraid that people will think you are vain!

Fariha Ansari Javed Barcelona
Let go!

Let go!

Finding Fulfilment

Finding Fulfilment