
Welcome !  I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!



I don’t express enough gratitude for the experiences I have had. I often find myself feeling guilty for wanting and striving for more. Is it bad to constantly feel ambitious? This isn’t like the ambition and guilt out of Macbeth (no sinister feelings here). It is a nagging feeling in my subconscious that I should calm down, be happy, and comfortable right now.

Yet deep within me is also this constant need to do better, be better, and feel better. I think I caught this bug at business school being surrounded by alphas. The one thing I am eternally grateful for is my husband Shiraz Javed. If he didn’t push me and pay for my education, I could not have attended or afforded it! And for that, I am eternally grateful.

Fariha Ansari Javed Harvard
Keeping sane

Keeping sane

It's going to be ok

It's going to be ok